These are the best Christmas games for families 2023, according to our trusty panel of testers
From board games to quizzes, we’ve rounded up the best Christmas games for families to enjoy on the big day

The best Christmas games for families provide endless entertainment, laughter and the perfect opportunity to bond over the festive season.
Once the kids have opened their top Christmas toys around the tree and you've watched all the Christmas movies Netflix has to offer, it's time to add these family games to your list of things to do this festive season.
So, whether it’s the best Christmas board games, card games or other group activities, enhance the joy and camaraderie of the holiday season with our top picks of the best Christmas games for your whole clan.
Best Christmas games for families 2023
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Players: 4 or more | Age: 14+ years
Aim of the game: Solve, describe, or act out as many Christmas rhymes as you can while your team tries to guess them in 30 seconds.
Why we love it: "This game is hilarious. It's a Christmassy version of the Obama Llama party game, which was a hit in our house a couple of Christmases ago," says our consumer editor Heidi Scrimgeour. "You play in teams, so it's a good one for pitting family members against each other for lots of laughs. Stay off the Sherry, though, as you'll need your wits about you.
"I recommend it to all my friends. Once you get the hang of it, it's really good fast fun. Though *spoiler alert* I am not a fan of the act it out cards." Heidi confesses.
Players: 4 or more | Age: 12+ years
Aim of the game: Players split into teams and describe words to each other from six categories; Object, Nature, Random, Person, Action, and World, all Christmas-themed, as quickly as they can. Then move around the board based on the number of words they guess correctly.
Why we love it: "We loved playing this game," says our family editor Stephanie Lowe. "It especially works if you play with someone you know really well and have 'in jokes' with that help it along.
"We also introduced house rules, like we doubled the time and changed the cards when we wanted, it made a more fast-paced game. I recommend this to friends who need 'bigger group' games every year."
Players: 4 or more | Age: 7+ years
Aim of the game: To complete your Mince Spies mission without being found out. God Speed.
Why we love it: "I took this to my family meal of 12 of us aged between 5 and 65 years old - it was a hit. At each place, I set one of the Mince Spies coasters. To add to the game, I text everyone their strict 'Spy instructions' of sit down, read your coaster, say nothing, complete your mission', and it went down a storm.
"There's one coaster that says 'request a group photo numerous times and request the same person take it every time', watching my brother wonder each time, 'what? me? again?' each time was hilarious. And even the kids loved it.
Players: 2-4 | Age: 3+ years
Aim of the game: Reindeer race game
Why we love it: "The Reindeer Race game was fun to play with the family - a bit of prep work before you start playing however as you have to pop all of the pieces out of the cardboard frame but we got there in the end and it was a good mini-board game." Mum Jess tells us.
"Just be aware," she adds, "there are little plastic holders for each of the reindeer to stand on so be careful not to lose them when you empty the box onto the dining table. We’d lost two at the start but managed to find them under the stack of puzzle pieces!
You also get a puzzle and activity book included.
Players: 4 or more | Age: 3+ years
Aim of the game: place the red nose on the right spot on Rudolph's body. This is a fun festive twist on the classic 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey'.
Why we love it: "So, one person is blindfolded and spun round to disorientate them. Once released, you then point them in the right direction and place the red nose in their hand, with something sticky on the back. Let them guess where Rudolph's face is, whoever got closest wins a prize," Mum Bex explains. "This involved the whole family and had the kids in fits of giggles," mum Bex tells us. "My daughter Aria loved it, she soon got the hang of game tactics and was directing Daddy away from Rudolph in an attempt to win!"
Players: 4 or more | Age: 10+ years
Aim of the game: Find the fake answer. Each person has to find the red herring in a sea of answers. Think you can guess which animal was elected mayor of Alaska? Well, in this game, it's not the right answer. You need to catch the fake answers invented by the other players - while trying to avoid the real one.
Why we love it: "This is a firm favourite in our household and comes out every year," Hevs tells us. "And we add fans every time we play it - inviting people to live the lie when making answers up. There are over 100 cards so no repeats for a while."
Players: 4 or more | Age: 14+ years
Aim of the game: Be the first reindeer across the finishing line. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen are all ready for you to race them - simply map out your course, line them up at the starting line, pull back their lever, and watch them go.
Why we love it: "These were loved and raced throughout Christmas day," says our parenting and family editor Stephanie Lowe. "They even made an appearance at the Christmas dinner table to decide who got to have the last roast potato!"
Players: 2-6 | Age: 5+ years
Aim of the game: Father Christmas’s sleigh has crashed and you must race the other players to find the lost presents and save Christmas. The one to the end first, wins.
Why we love it: "Grandparents brought his one. You can play together as a team or against each other, The festive race along the board collecting presents to give to Santa and help save Christmas just really hammers home that festive feeling." Dad, Mark tells us. "We've made it a Christmas Eve tradition now."
Players: 2-6 | Age: 6+ years
Aim of the game: Be the player with the most money - in the bank or properties - at the end of the game.
Why we love it: "My favourite thing about this was, I love the figures - Rudolph, the snowman, and Christmas pudding. And instead of hotels you trade in grottos and workshops, too cute." Mum Kiran tells us. It's not all smooth sailing though - you can still go to jail or bankrupt, just like in the original.
Players: 2 or more | Age: 8+ years
Aim of the game: To be the player or team who correctly guesses the most facts from fiction, and be reigning champions until next year.
Why we love it: "My family has always been fans of a quick trivia game. In the 90s we forgot about the Trivial Pursuit board and just did the cards," mum, Dionne tells us. "I love that this test seasonal knowledge. Inside the box you'll find 60 cards with festive facts and lies that you must get right by waving your 'true' or 'false' paddle."
Players: 1 | Age: 8+ years
Aim of the game: The aim is to stack the snowballs and build your snowmen. Snowballs can move horizontally and vertically across the board, but only if there is an obstacle somewhere along the same path to stop the snowballs rolling off the edge.
Why we love it: Review incoming. "It focuses on sequencing, strategic planning, and visual perception. This is a brand new game, limited edition - with only 3000 made. And we are waiting on one to review, so watch this space," Goodto family editor, Stephanie Lowe says.
Players: 2 or more | Age: 6+ years
Aim of the game: The aim of the game is to be the first player to travel along the train track from the Home Station to the North Pole Station.
Why we love it: Review incoming. "This one looks quite tactical. We have this board game on its way to the team for an extensive review of how to play and whether it's worth a spot in your festive games round-up, so watch this space." Goodto family editor, Stephanie says.
Players: 2-4 | Age: 3-6 years
Aim of the game: The winner is the first person to fill their board with matching cheeky elf characters.
Why we love it: "Orchard games have been a go-to ever since my son was a toddler - we have them all. And this one did not disappoint. Ted (5 years old) loved choosing his own festive house and matching up the elves."
Players: 3 or more | Age: 12+ years
Aim of the game: There are lots of games in this handy compendium, so it depends on which one you go for.
Why we love it: "My mum loves a compendium, 'why buy just one when you can have eight' she always says. This comes out every year - we team up and do all eight in one sitting, keeping score - it's like Festive Olympic Games." Mum, Kate tells us.
Players: 2 or more | Age: 3+ years
Aim of the game: Land the most rings on Rudolph's antlers from a distance.
Why we love it: "This one kept my son entertained, from trying to blow up the rings to actually playing the game," says our family editor Stephanie Lowe. "Plus the adults loved it too, rule was to move back with each round. It got competitive."
14 Free Christmas party games
20. Mystery stocking
Players: 2 or more | Age: 4+ years
The objective: To guess what the mystery item hidden in the sock is correctly.
How to play: Take a Christmas stocking and fill it with random, small prizes. Let each child hold the stocking and without putting their hands inside, feel the shape of the prize and guess what it is. If they guess a prize they get to keep it!
21. Snowman bowling
Players: The whole family | Age: 3+ years
The objective: This one is one of those part crafting and part action Christmas games, so there's lots of fun to be had! Knock down as many of the homemade snowman bowling pins as possible.
How to play: Create your own Snowman bowling pins out of 8 large plastic water bottles, paper mache, toilet rolls for the snowman's nose and some standard crafting paints. Then on Christmas day, line them up in the classic triangle-shaped bowling shape. Each person then stands a couple of metres back and takes turns at rolling a ball towards the bottles. The person who knocks down the most bottles is the winner. You can play best of five round to make the game last longer and if you want to make it harder, simply add some flour to the bottom of each of the plastic bottles before you paper mache to make them heavier.
22. Christmas Memory test
Players: As many as you like | Age: 7+ years
The objective: To remember as many items removed from a tray as you can. The person who successfully remembers the most objects wins the game!
How to play: Get 10 to 15 small Christmas items and place them on a tray. Try things like a Christmas stocking, maybe one or more ornaments, Christmas cookies, cookie cutters, wrapping paper, Christmas candle, bow, Christmas movie, mince pies, nutcracker, etc… Set the tray down or walk around with the tray and allow people to study it for 1 or 2 minutes. Then take the tray out of the room. Now give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil and have them write down as many of the items as they can remember. The one with the most correct items written down wins.
23. Christmas theme charades
Players: At least 4 | Age: 6+ years
The objective: To guess the most amount of festive themes drawn by other players correctly.
How to play: The rest of the group watch as you draw out a festive theme, whether it's a film or character, Christmas decoration or festive food! Whoever guesses what it is first gets to go next and whoever makes the most amount of correct guesses is the winner of the game at the end.
24. Christmas Film bingo
Players: The whole family | Age: 8+ years
The objective: To cross off all the Christmas film bingo boxes on your card. Whoever gets there first, wins!
How to play: Get as many pieces of card or paper as there are game players, then everyone writes things in a bingo card format they believe are classic lines or events that happen in Christmas films. As you all watch a Christmas film (it has to be one no one has ever seen before!), everyone ticks off things as they come up. Whoever ticks all their boxes first, wins!
25. Ho ho ho blindman's bluff
Players: 4 or more | Age: 3+ years
The objective: The 'blind' person wins by identifying the people in the room by touch and then hearing them say 'ho ho ho'. The other people have to avoid being caught and identified but they can't hide or run away but they can move about to make it harder.
How to play: One person is blindfolded and spun round. The person with the blindfold has to move around the room and identify each person by touch alone. The other people in the room need to move around a bit so it's hard for the person wearing the blindfold to find people. If the blind person finds you, they can ask you to say 'ho ho ho' in whatever voice you choose! Whoever the 'blind' person correctly identifies, they swap places and wear the blindfold.
26. Christmas Cluedo
Players: 4 or more | Age: 6+ years
The objective: Everyone is trying to 'kill' another person, simply by handing them a Christmas object without them realising. If that person takes it then they die! The last one standing - empty-handed - is the winner.
How to play: Each person writes their own name on a piece of paper, plus one Christmas object in the house that could be easily passed to someone (no Christmas trees!). Next, each person then takes a name out of a bag, and an object. You need to pass the person you draw the Christmas item you draw and if they take it without realising, then they die. If a person dies, they have to give the person and object to their killer. The last one standing wins!
27. Festive film charades
Players: 4 or more | Age: 5+ years
The objective: The rest of the group have to watch your mime and guess what the title is that you're acting out. The person that guesses correctly then takes their turn to act out a charade. The only catch is - the subject you choose has to be Christmas-themed!
How to play: One person stands in front of the rest of the family or friends and mimes the title of a Christmas song, play, film, book or TV programme. The person doing the miming uses hand signals to show whether it's a film, book, pop song, etc, and then they either act out each individual word, one at a time, or mime the full title in one go. The people watching have to guess the name of whatever the person is miming. Whoever gets it right swaps places and do their own mime to the group.
28. Festive alphabet
Players: 2 or more | Age: 2+ years
The objective: To pick a Christmas related word for every letter of the alphabet
How to play: Take some paper and write down every letter of the alphabet vertically down the length of the page. Put the players into small teams and let them think of a Christmas related word for each letter. The first team to finish all the letters wins.
29. Human Christmas tree
Players: 6 or more | Age: 3+ years
The objective: The team that finish first and have the best 'decorated' tree are the winners and win a prize.
How to play: Separate into teams with one person in each team playing the Christmas tree. The team then have to turn their chosen person into a Christmas tree, using wrapping paper, tape and decorations - but they have under a minute to do it! When the minute is up the winner is the team that have the best decorated tree. Certainly one of our more creative and energetic Christmas games for the family.
30. Santa style
Players: 6 or more | Age: 4+ years
The objective: To create a Santa outfit first. This is a race against time, so you and your team members will need to be quick!
How to play: Separate into teams of three or four and give each team a bag filled with materials to make a Santa outfit from. The best materials to use are red, white and black streamers and tissue paper, cotton wool balls and any fun extras like fur or glitter. Give the teams 5 minutes to create a Santa outfit, making it as good as they possibly can. When the time runs out, both teams take it in turns to do a catwalk of their creation and the parents can judge which one is best.
31. The 'gimme' game
Players: More than 5 is best, great for bigger family gatherings | Age: 6+ years
The objective: To get as many gifts as you can... even though you don't know what they are!
How to play: Depending on how many people are playing, you have two less presents than there are people. Keep them jokey, cheap gifts. It's a good idea to wrap the presents really well and try to disguise the contents and shapes. The presents are then put together in the middle of the room. Everyone takes it in turn to throw two dice. Whoever gets a double six is allowed to take a present - but not open it. Everyone gets a go and if you get a double six, you can 'steal' a gift that your friend has chosen for themselves - shouting GIMME! as you do, although they may take it back if they get a double six!
HINT: Often people take a gift that they think is going to be a really good present - this is where wrapping well can outwit other players. When everyone's had a couple of turns and everyone has a few presents each, you're allowed to open the presents and keep them if you wish.
32. Christmas Would You Rather
Players: 2 or more | Age: 6+ years
The objective: No winners, just a game that is sure to make you laugh
How to play: Play a special edition of Would You Rather with the family. Fill a glass jar with scraps of folded paper filled with Christmas-themed hypotheticals. And challenge each other to questions like 'Would you Rather cluck like a turkey constantly or have your farts smell of brussel sprouts?'.
33. Mr & Mrs
Players: 6 or more (This could be couples, friends or siblings) | Age: 8+ years
The objective: To correctly answer questions about your spouse, partner, sibling, whoever you're playing with!
How to play: Get into pairs and send one half of the couple out of the room while you ask their partner questions about them. Make the questions as interesting as you can, from 'what's her favourite perfume?' to 'how old was he when he had his first kiss?'. Bring the partner back into the room to answer the questions, giving one point for every correct answer. The couple with the most points wins!
34. Guess the smell Christmas game
Players: 3 or more | Age: 4+ years
The objective: Whoever guesses the most smells correctly.
How to play: Gather together a host of seasonal scents like mulled wine, nutmeg, and a Christmas tree sprig. Blindfold the kids and have them sniff their way to victory. One of those great sensory Christmas games for old and young.
Still shopping for presents under the tree? Don’t miss out on the best Black Friday toy deals and the best Black Friday perfume deals for some inspiration, and if you’re all gamed-out, get much-needed quiet time by shopping for the best personalised books for kids.
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Emily Stedman is the former Features Editor for GoodTo covering all things TV, entertainment, royal, lifestyle, health and wellbeing. Boasting an encyclopaedic knowledge on all things TV, celebrity and royals, career highlights include working at HELLO! Magazine and as a royal researcher to Diana biographer Andrew Morton on his book Meghan: A Hollywood Princess. In her spare time, Emily can be found eating her way around London, swimming at her local Lido or curled up on the sofa binging the next best Netflix show.
- Daniella GrayStaff Writer
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