40 naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas that are so easy to copy for Christmas 2023
The best naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas to try this December - they're so easy!

Naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas are so popular, that inspiration is always in demand. This is why we've done the leg work for you and found these rare and hilarious ideas for you to try - the kids will love them.
Balancing the mental load is hard on a normal Tuesday in March let alone at Christmas when everything seems to ramp up. The Elf on the Shelf ritual is almost as popular as classic Christmas traditions like picking out a tree, wrapping up the top Christmas toys, belting out some cheery Christmas music for kids, or sharing Christmas jokes.
If you want to nail this Christmas tradition this year, note the top tip from our deputy editor, mum-of-three, Heidi Scrimgeour who admits to being a huge fan of Elf on the Shelf. "Set an alarm for each evening so you don't forget to change Elf on the Shelf poses... like I have done multiple times," she says. "Or, better still, arm yourself with some props well in advance and take all the stress out of coming up with Elf on the Shelf ideas."
Everyday Elf Idea Pack £9 | Porky Penguin
This clever little box contains 24 scene information cards along with 24 prop cards and even a shopping list so you can easily create lasting elf memories without running out of inspo halfway through December or frantically searching the shops for googly eyes way past bedtime. Each card even links to a QR code so you can see a sample image of the elf scene to copy. Genius!
So, ready your elf/elves, and get scrolling for your perfect 25 ideas to keep you going until Christmas day...
Best naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas 2023
1. This Elf who was "being helpful"
The kids will love this one! All you need is tin foil (it's not cheap so re-use where you can), their school shoes and a hand-written note. There will be giggles before school.
2. This Elf who made his own hat
Set the scene with wrapping paper and scissors and fashion a little cone hat for your elf, for extra naughtiness maybe shred lots of paper on the floor that needs cleaning up (though it might be you clearing up... so choose wisely.)
3. This Elf who was webbed
This is a great use of Spiderman if your kid has this figure, if not take this idea and run with it, you can use any superhero or villain to 'capture the elf' and put him Batman's cave or Paw Patrol's tower.
4. This Elf was caught red-handed
Credit: Bensons for Beds
The kids love an elf with a prop. So grab some nail polish – a glittery red is a festive vibe we’re feeling – and paint someone’s toenails. For the ultimate surprise, have the kids spot mum or dad fast asleep in bed with their nails polished, oblivious that the elf did it! If you fancy putting in the extra effort a cryptic note ups the excitement ante. Thanks to Bensons for Beds for sharing their fabulous Elf on the Shelf idea.
5. This Elf is digging for treasure
Credit: Bensons for Beds
Losing things down the sofa cushions is the norm, so add a few fun things - like £1 coin, 50p coins, tiny toys, etc, for the elf to find. Then position him for the morning.
6. This Elf made his own sleigh
Credit: Bensons for Beds
Another great Elf on the Shelf idea is to create a sleigh out of your child’s favourite toys in their bedroom. But you can be as far-fetched and funny as you like while creating it. So, why not have your elf riding a digger pulled by dinosaurs? Or how about riding a surfboard pulled by farm animals? Embrace weird combos – when it comes to kids, the weirder the better.
7. This Elf identifies as a Snowman
Credit: Bensons for Beds
Build a tower of toilet rolls and draw a simple snowman onto the outer sheets of paper. Then, sit your elf somewhere close by and surround it with all of the coloured pens used to create your snowman design. The children will think it’s hilarious while the adults get to enjoy a brief respite from cleaning up post-elf shenanigans.
8. This Elf who kindly offered to help out with the baking
One clever mum has raided the biscuit tin to help her create this naughty Elf on the Shelf scenario. A cheap and easy idea you can recreate at home without popping to the shop for supplies.
9. This Elf who's just had enough already
This naughty elf has turned to some dutch courage to get him through the holidays. A naughty Elf on the Shelf idea that little kids will find hilarious.
10. This Elf who was feeling ignored
When kids aren't taking the Elf fun seriously it's time to bring your A game. As this inspired Dad with - taking the time to wrap the entire toilet up (and leave a cheeky message).
11. These elves have gone on strike!
It's the kids and their own naughty behaviour that has left nothing else for these exaperated elves' to do but strike. A warning if ever we saw one.
12. This Elf let his snowman friend melt...
With his guilty face, it seems that this Elf was up to no good and let the snowman melt on purpose... Set this great naughty Elf on the Shelf idea up using buttons, googly eyes, some twigs and a carrot in a clear roasting dish.
13. This Elf is tampering with the Oreos
Tampering with Oreos is a big no-no in our books. But it seems this young kid didn't get the message about adequate teeth-brushing. So what's an elf to do?
14. This Elf is on a jewellery heist
Sound the alarm. This elf has turned criminal this Christmas and is raiding mum's jewellery box. We love the little black felt mask which helps turn this elf into a proper criminal.
15. Elf anatomy 101
A post shared by Aimee Rose Designs (@aimeerosedesigns)
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Any child from ages three and up will find toilet humour hilarious, so stick a couple of Cheerios to the elf's bum and spell out Bum Holes with the rest to start the day with fits of giggles. Note: Act mad/embarrassed to elicit even more laughs!
16. This Elf is getting crafty wth a pen
A post shared by Thread (@threadhouston)
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I like to have something to read when I'm on the loo. And these guys have nailed it. Another toilet humour winner for any and all kids. The great thing about this one, is no buying or supplies are needed, one to keep in your back pocket if you've forgotten to set up a new Elf on the Shelf idea up.
17. This Elf found someone's credit card
A hilarious naughty Elf on the Shelf idea. This one has run off with mum and dad's card and is no doubt racking up big bills on some last minute Christmas present purchases.
18. This Elf has found the frozen peas
First of all we're applauding the time and effort that must have gone into this naughty Elf on the Shelf idea. Toilet humour normally goes down a treat with kids - so we reckon they'll find this elf's prank nothing short of hilarious.
19. This Elf has found the Nutella
This elf has certainly got some cheek - tucking into everyone's favourite toast topping! We're big fans of the tiny Nutella pot, but you could easily recreate this with a full sized one too.
20. This Elf made up a messy toilet roll game
From the official Elf on the Shelf Instagram account, we love these cheeky elves that are "rolling into the holidays". This is a cheap and fun one to try - if you can be bothered to re-wrap the toilet paper up afterwards that is...
21. This Elf channels Miley Cyrus
A post shared by 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐚 (@janiciaha)
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Get some kitchen dancing in before school with this one, play the song when the kids walk in - great for a positive start to your day. All you need to do is raid the toy box for a well-known 'villain' and grab some tape.
22. This Elf has a sweet tooth
Not the Quality Street! This elf has been incredibly bad - eating all this family's favourite Christmas chocolates. A cheap (and rather tasty) naughty Elf on the Shelf idea you can copy at home.
23. This Elf is in a spin
A post shared by OXO Europe (@oxo.europe)
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Put that 80s salad spinner to good use and set up a 'good cop/bad cop' scenario with your naughty elves.
24. These elves have made snow much mess
This mum wanted to shock her kids with something out of character for these otherwise well-behaved elves. All you'll need is some flour and the hoover to vacuum it up after.
25. These elves are breaking the law
It's amazing what a bit of clingfilm and imagination can do? We love this 'No fishing' set-up that is sure to surprise little ones on their next loo trip.
26. This Elf has it out for this soft toy
A blender and your kid's favourite soft toy - and you've got yourself one evil Elf on the Shelf idea to try in December.
27. This Elf really had to go
One that will amuse the adults too. We love this creative naughty Elf on the Shelf idea that sees him take a tinkle in an alcohol bottle.
28. This Elf found the Ketchup bottle
A reindeer target game with a difference. This female elf had some fun firing her shot at the wall. But there's certainly some room for practice.
29. This Elf is eggcellent
A post shared by Elf On The Shelf Ideas❤️ (@elfontheshelf_ideas)
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This elf is so egg-centric and has graffiti'd some eggs, kids will see the funny side to this naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas. Thanks for sharing elfontheshelf_ideas
30. This Elf is enjoying McDonald's
This cheeky chappy has treated himself to a takeaway without asking! The creators of this idea have used novelty erasers, available to buy from Etsy, to create this scene.
31. This Elf has turned Pirate
Another easy naughty Elf on the Shelf idea. All you need is some black and white card to make the hat, sign and map.
32. This Elf is cheating at Rubik's Cube
Mischievous elves at their finest! This is one of the most exciting scenes on our list of naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas. It uses a Rubik's cube, paper and some colouring pens to create this silly set-up.
33. This Elf is ice fishing
A post shared by STIX & STONES® FISHING & HUNTING APPAREL (@stixnstonesinc)
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As naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas go you might want to try this one when the family aren't visiting - popping for wee could get interesting. Thanks for sharing stixnstonesinc
34. This Elf is a bit chilly
A post shared by Karen Drew (@karendrewtv)
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This is a great one to do to have the kids in stitches before school. Thanks for sharing karendrewtv
35. Dino-taming elves
A post shared by 𝗞𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 | 𝗧𝗼𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘀 (@feeding_little_noah)
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Most little ones love dinosaurs - and for this one to work it doesn't have to be a soft toy - any dino will do, and maybe try tinsel if you don't have fairy lights to wrangle the toy. It will be an easy winner!
36. Elf is trapped
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Involving the kids' other toys will always blow their mind - especially when you choose their favourite superheroes. It's also a complete non-brainer for parents to set up - which is the dream for naughty elf on the shelf ideas.
37. Elf versus dog
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If you have pets, get them involved somehow, here @justhearingdogs had their naughty elf steal the doggy treats.
38. Snowman Nose Rejection Centre
A post shared by Brow Couture By Sandy 🧿 (@browcouturebysandy)
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Inspired thinking here by @browcouturebysandy we are impressed how she's using other festive elements in her naught elf on the shelf idea.
39. Elf made a whoopsie
A post shared by Emily Maldonado (@styledmicasa)
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A very child-relatable story here from @styledmicasa many a times a kid just couldn't quite make it to the loo.
40. Sia the Elf
A post shared by Catherine Fulvio (@catherinefulvio_chef)
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sing it with us; "fromthe chandelier, from the chandelieeerrrrr" bring a little Sia cheer to the Elf on the shelf festivities - bravo @catherinfulvio_chef, bravo.
Buy an Elf on the Shelf
Some of these fabulous naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas call for more than one elf, if you need to add to your elf family take a look at the best deals out there today;
What is Elf on the Shelf?
Elf on the Shelf is a festive game that sees an Elf toy placed in different locations around the house acting out various fun activities and scenarios. It takes place in the countdown to Christmas, with parents surprising kids with a new Elf surprise daily.
The idea is that this Elf is checking in on the children before Christmas and reporting back to Santa - letting him know if they are behaving. Mums and dads can prep the next Elf surprise when the kids are in bed, ready for them to wake up and hunt him down in the morning. In America the tradition kids off the day after Thanksgiving but over in the UK we tend to start around the 1 December. Almost like an alternative advent. You can pick up your 'Scout Elf' as they're known online or we have a fantastic homemade elf on a shelf craft if you'd rather make your own little army of cheeky elves.
Where did the Elf on the Shelf tradition come from?
The Elf On The Shelf tradition originates from America, and more specifically a 2004 book by Carol Aebersold and daughter Chanda Bell. The two wrote the Elf on the Shelf story to honour their own family tradition of an Elf visiting to watch over them at Christmas time.
The official storybook comes with a small Elf character to put your adventures into action. Many parents tend to read their children the story about the naughty Elf to introduce them to the fun December game. Children can chat with the elf but can't touch them otherwise they will 'disappear forever' according to the book. The authors are also keen to share that the elves are not "bought" but "adopted". With the retail outlets selling the toys are known as "adoption centres". Read the book, The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition (available from Amazon £24.95). This will explain everything you need to know about this Christmas tradition, including the Elf on the Shelf rules - mentioned below.
What are the rules of Elf on the Shelf?
- Kids can not touch the Elf or the Elf will lose their power.
- The elf does not move nor speak when the kids are awake, but it does see and hear everything.
- The Elf reports back to Santa each night on the day's behaviour.
What's a good age to start Elf on the Shelf?
Three years old is a good age, or as soon as they start to understand the magic of Christmas. Of course, if there are older siblings in the house, the tradition will start even sooner than that. There's really no harm in starting earlier—your child just might not be as engaged at an earlier age.
What naughty things can an elf get up to?
We know it can seem daunting to come up with 25 new ideas, but literally the world is your misbehaving oyster. Mum-of-one, Kiran tells us; "I just think of what would have got me in trouble when I was younger and make the elf do that. Lipstick on their dads nose was a great idea."
Once you've planned all of your naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas, next up is Christmas jumpers for kids and maybe - if you haven't chosen already - Advent calendars? You can choose from classic chocolate advent calendars to craft advent calendars.
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Stephanie Lowe is Family Editor at GoodTo covering all things parenting, pregnancy and more. She has over 13 years' experience as a digital journalist with a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to all things family and lifestyle. Stephanie lives in Kent with her husband and son, Ted. With his love of choo-choos, Hey Duggee and finger painting he keeps her on her toes.
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